Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just got back from the annual "Mom's Gone Wild" trip. Simply put, I couldn't love these ladies more or be more grateful for these enduring friendships.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I don't wanna die!

The other day Eli was jumping on the tramp and got hit in the nose. He was so freaked out by the blood that was dripping on to his bare belly that he was hyperventilating. I said, "Eli, you need to settle down so that mommy can clean you up."
In all seriousness, trying to be so brave, he looked up at me and said, "Mom, what's happening to me? Am I going to die?"

I tried no to laugh because clearly that wasn't funny to him, but man, his little face so concerned was about the cutest thing I've ever seen. "No buddy, you are not going to die." "Ok, that's good," he replied. Yeah buddy, that's good.

Phone Etiquette

Ring Ring. Ring Ring.

Jonah: “Hello?”
Caller: “Hi, is Kent there?”
Jonah: “Kent who?”
Caller: “Kent.”
Jonah: “What do you mean?”
Caller: “Is, ummm, Kent at home?”
Jonah: “I don’t know what you mean.”
Caller: “Hmmmm. Is Kent available?”
Jonah: “Just a second. Hey Mom, do we have a ‘Kent’ that lives her?"
Mom: “Nope Jonah. No Kent that lives here.”
Jonah: “Sorry. I asked my mom, we don’t have a Kent that lives here. Bye.”
That's my boy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My camera is broken right now so I didn't want to leave you hanging with nothing to look at while you read a post....
This morning on my way to work I saw a man whistling while he walked down the street with a very light step and a really big smile. Normally this wouldn't have caught my eye but this man was severely physically disabled yet the way he carried himself exuded pure joy just to be making his way down the road. It really made me think- I need more joy in my life. Sometimes I wait for people or things to bring me joy. I know that never works but it's just good to be reminded about the things that bring you joy everyday.
  • Hearing the garage door go up when Jeff gets home
  • Isaac & Jonah's after-school stories
  • Eli & Josh eating chicken nuggets like they are mana from heaven
  • running
  • cold milk
  • clean sheets (ok, not everyday joy but weekly joy:)
  • story time...
  • followed by naptime
  • fresh cut lines in the grass
  • warm showers
  • gel pens
  • good deals
  • freshly bathed boys
I could go on, but needless to say, I will be seeking the joy more in my everyday life.
Here's to a great day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Background Glitteratti

Check me out…I have a background! It will probably change frequently because that was a lot of fun. I realized as I was selecting my background I don’t have nearly enough pink and/or cute in my world. So, please forgive me if you happen upon the occasional butterfly, flower, glitter spray, bow or even lace.

I am trying a new parenting technique: Joshua follows me around the house all day and says, “Mommy, a Emo.” Translation: “Mom, put on the Elmo movie.” Once is cute, twice is nice but 12 times in 1 minute is making me a little crazy. So, now when he says it, I say “Joshie, a Robert Downey Jr.” Or “Joshie, a Mark Ruffalo.” I mean why does he get to hang out with his favorite actor all day? Where is the justice in that?

Josh hanging out in the movie bin.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Great Weekend

This past weekend was filled with fun for all.
It started with a run on Antelope Island with my good friend Lisa Brown and my
brother-in-law Tom. I just wish someone would have
let me know the first 5 miles were uphill.

After the run we went to Grandma K and Papa Bill's house for the annual
Easter Egg hunt. The kids had a blast and always get spoiled.

The fun was rounded off by a live concert with the 'Jonah Brothers'.
I had a backstage pass so I got to hang out with the cute guy in the sweater vest.
I love sweater vests.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We at the Lewis Household enjoy all the finer things in life.
Catching Mice....

Pie Fights....

Chocolatey Chocolate Bundt Cake....

and of course,

Bacon & Cheese flavored crickets...